Members present: William Cavanaugh, George Fuller, Mark Karlberg
Others Present: Craig Kleman, Jeanne Pryor, Keith Sharp, Victor Breen, Madeleine Swindlehurst
7:00 PM Meeting opened.
George asked if anyone from the audience was recording this meeting. No one is audio taping the meeting.
The Selectmen discussed the vocational transportation options. The only transportation issues that will be discussed at this meeting would be the students going to Pittsfield Schools and McCann Voc School. Craig advised that the student that lived over by Greenwater Pond will be living with her sister in Pittsfield so we will not need to transport her. George asked Victor if he could pick all of the other students up at their houses. Victor advised that he could pick them up at their houses. George asked if he could bring the McCann student to school. He advised that because of time constraints he could not bring her all the way to McCann. Briefly discussed the options of getting the McCann student up to school. One option would be to drop her off at Stop & Shop in
Pittsfield and have her take the BRTA bus up to school. Bill asked if he could wait until she was picked up before he left to go to the Pittsfield schools. He was not sure of the bus schedule but he would if time allowed it. The town would reimburse her for the cost of taking the BTRA bus for the year. The cost would be $300 for the year. Briefly discussed using Kid Zone to bring the student up to McCann. Craig will check to see what the cost would be to use Kid Zone. He will also check to see what the BRTA bus schedule is. Briefly discussed what courses the schools offered. The town may have the right to say the student needs to go to a closer school if they offered the course that the student is interested in. The Selectmen do not want to make a student change schools when they have already been going there but will look into this in the future as students start as freshmen. Bill motioned to go with option #2 and
have the student going to McCann get dropped off at Stop & Shop in Pittsfield to take the BRTA bus up to McCann Vocational School, Mark seconded. Craig will get the BRTA bus schedule and will advise the parents of the cost of the bus pass and that the town would reimburse them for it. George would like Victor to come back in a month to make sure everything is going alright. All in favor.
Jeanne Pryor asked why there was a candidate statement posted at town hall when it was never allowed before. Craig advised that Bob Ronzio posted his campaign statement up at town hall after checking with George Roberts. The Selectmen do not feel this statement should be posted at town hall and would like the statement taken down. Craig will take this down and advise Mr. Ronzio that this was done.
7:35 PM Mark motioned to adjourn, George seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman